Through the Friends of the Friars, the CFRs of San Juan Diego Friary can now receive 100% of a donation through the United Way of Central New Mexico! You can access the donation page at
It is very important to specify the account code (ffrsjd) or the agency name "Franciscan Friars of the Renewal San Juan Diego Friary." Otherwise, your money will default into United Way's community fund.
Here's how to do it (note: patience might be needed!).
step-by-step instructions:
From the home page, select "give" or "donate now." From the give page, select "donate now."
From the pledge information page, choose your preferred payment type for your donation. You may donate with a check, an electronic check, a credit card, a debit card, stock, and "bill me." The example provided below is for selecting and mailing a check to United Way.
Select "continue" at the bottom of the page.
In the "check payment" box, enter the amount that you will be donating.
In the "invest your donation box," choose "select giving" and click "continue" at the bottom of the page.
Note: If you do not choose "select giving," then your donation will go into United Way's community fund!
In the "donation distribution" box, make sure that "percentages of my donation" is clicked. Then click the very small "find an agency" link at the bottom of the box.
In the "find an agency box," enter the account code"ffrsjd" at the top of the page in the "acount code" field and click the "search" link.
Select "Franciscan Friars of the Renewal San Juan Diego Friary."
The "recipient agency" box should say "Franciscan Friars of the Renewal San Juan Diego Friary."
Select "I am done selecting agencies."
You should now be redirected to the "donation distribution" box.
In the empty field next to "Franciscan Friars of the Renewal San Juan Diego Friary," enter 100 (indicating that 100% of your donation).
Select "continue" at the bottom of the page.
You will be directed to the login page. Login with your username and password.
If you have not yet registered with United Way, select "register" in the "login information" box.
In the account information box, create a username and enter it into the empty "preferred username" field.
Create a password and enter it into the empty "password" field. Confirm your password by reentering it into the empty confirm password field.
In the "personal information" box, enter your first and last names into the appropriate fields.
In the "home contact information" box, enter your email address or a phone number.
In the "home address" box, enter your street address, city, state, and zip code in the appropriate fields.
Select "register" at the bottom of the page.
On the contribution summary page, select "details" next to the total donation amount. "Charity details" should say "100%Franciscan Friars of the Renewal San Juan Diego Friary."
Select "back."
Select "continue."
Review your account information and select "continue."
The next page will recap your personal information, transaction, and donation details. At the bottom of the page, the "charity details box" should say "100%Franciscan Friars of the Renewal San Juan Diego Friary." If this information is correct, select "submit contribution" and your contribution will be accepted.
Remember to print your receipt! Please click the "print pledge summary" link to print a copy of your donation transaction for your records.
If you are paying by check, please include a copy of the donation summary page with your payment that is mailed to United Way of Central New Mexico. Make your check payable to United Way of Central New Mexico and mail your check to:
United Way of Central New Mexico
Attn: Alice Fischer, Pledge Processing Specialist
2340 Alamo Ave SE 2nd Floor
Albuquerque, NM 87106
If you have any problems or questions, call San Juan Diego Friary at 505-764-3034.