We have just returned from a tremendous trip to Washington D.C. We had the privilege of participating in the annual March For Life. This year was the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. There are many other beautiful events that take place before and after the march – it has developed into quite an experience.
I have attended the march every year since 1993. I was so discouraged after that particular march because it was the first time I’d had a first-hand experience of the blatant bias in the media coverage of the event – distortions and lies. A good bit of media coverage this year was the same – distortions and lies. Yet, somehow this year the media coverage had the opposite effect on me.
The march was so massive, positive, and youthful that I couldn't help but be happy. As I was marching and praying, a thought came to me: "Truth always defeats lies. Good always defeats evil. Beauty always defeats ugliness. Right always defeats wrong. And because of Jesus, life defeats death."
"Jane Roe" of Roe v. Wade is now a prolife Catholic. "Mary Roe" of Roe v. Bolton is now a prolife Christian. Dr. Bernard Nathanson, a doctor who was instrumental in getting abortion legalized in the US, died a prolife Catholic. I concelebrated his funeral Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral.
It is only a matter of time until abortion is ended. Until then we pray, witness, and do whatever we can to promote the Gospel of Life and the Civilization of Love. It is only a matter of time.
God bless,
Fr. Luke Mary Fletcher, CFR
Saint Joseph Friary
Harlem, New York City