The word yes is very important in the spiritual life. It all began when God said yes to creating the universe. Mary's yes to the message from the Archangel Gabriel opened the door to welcome the Creator into creation in the Incarnation. The yes of Jesus saved us. Our own yes to God is very important.
Recently, I witnessed some profound yeses. Our five novices professed first vows. One of our friars was ordained a priest. Five of our friars were ordained to the deaconate. One of our friars was ordained to the sub-diaconate in the Maronite Rite. A grandmother breathed her last yes as she entered eternal life. A beautiful family brought a new baby to the baptismal fount. This weekend, five of our sisters will profess final vows.
Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta would tell people to "Give God permission." It is all about the yes! What is the Lord asking you to say yes to today?
God bless you,
Fr. Luke Mary Fletcher, CFR
Saint Joseph Friary
Harlem, NY